SC II MatchInfo Variables

The listed variables below can be used in following groups:

  • Twitch Title Changer
  • Overlay file – On Change
  • Overlay file – Change on Scene 1-3

Big usage example:

  • Field: $p1name playing against $p2name in a $matchup on $Server – Match duration: $gamemins mins
  • Result: BuRny playing against Brain in a TvZ on EU – Match duration: 25 mins

Notes to MMR, Streamer shoutout and barcodes (un-barcoding):

  • MMR will not always be 100% the same number as you see ingame. We get those from sc2unmasked which can be 1-2 games behind as it updates every X minutes.
  • $p1mmr (your own mmr) will only be available after the first game has started and you must be placed in a league.
  • For a streamer to be shoutouted he needs to be linked to the account on sc2unmasked. If you aren’t but wish to be send a Tweet to Ophidian and he will manually add you.
  • Identifying barcodes isn’t 100% guaranteed since various factors play a role in it. The higher the density of players and hence also the increase of barcodes in it with the same combination of “L” and “i”. It’s mostly directed to GM streamers (and also just interesting in such streams in my personal opinion).
    • TL;DR:
      • The higher your mmr the higher the chance of identifying your opponent.
      • The opponent must also be identified on sc2unmasked beforehand
Name Description Results (Examples)
$p1name / $p2name Will be replaced with the names of the players. Brain / Burny
$p1race / $p2race Will be replaced with the race of the players. Z, T, P
$p1Race / $p2Race Will be replaced with the long name of the races of the players. Zerg, Terran, Protoss
$p1mmr / $p2mmr WIll be replaced with the MMR of the players. 5000
$p2url If opponent is streaming it will be replaced with his Twitch link.
$Server Will be replaced with the region in uppercase letters. EU, NA, KR
$server Will be replaced with the region in lowercase letters. eu, na, kr
$matchup Will be replaced with the current matchup with short race names. ZvT, ZvZ, etc.
$gamemins Will be replaced with the minutes in game. 4
$gamesecs Will be replaced with the seconds in game. 50

SC II Betting System Variables

The listed variables below can be used in following groups:

  • Overlay settings
  • Chat messages

Big usage example:

Name Description Results (Examples)
$p1name / $p2name Will be replaced with the names of the players. Brain / Burny
$p1race / $p2race Will be replaced with the race of the players. Z, T, P
$p1Race / $p2Race Will be replaced with the long name of the races of the players. Zerg, Terran, Protoss
$mychannel WIll be replaced with name of your Twitch channel. wellbrained
$currencyName Will be replaced with the name of your currency. Brainbugs
$cmdBetWin Will be replaced with the field “Command to bet/vote for a win”. #win
$cmdBetLose Will be replaced with the field “Command to bet/vote for a loss”. #lose
$cmdAbort Will be replaced with the field “Command to abort and refund”. #abort
$user Will be replaced with the username who triggered a command. WellBrained
$points Will be replaced with the points of the user who triggered the command. 15,000
$betDuration Will be replaced with the value of the slider “Time for Betting (seconds)”. 120
$rewardMultiplier Will be replaced with the value of the slider “Reward Multiplier”. 2
$minBet Will be replaced with the field “Minimal amount to bet”. 10
$maxBet Will be replaced with the field “Maximum amount to bet”. 1000
$recentlyJoinedUsers List of people who joined between the interval of “Chat delay – Joining Bets (seconds)”. @Brain, @Burny, etc.
$totalAmountGambled Will be replaced with the total amount of points bet on this match. 9000
$totalPointsWon Will be replaced with the total amount of points from correct gambler after reward multiplier. 12000 (#win 6000)
$totalPointsLost Will be replaced with the total amount of points from wrong gamblers. 3000 (#lose 3000)
$winnersName List of users who did gamble correct. Brain, etc.
$losersName List of users who did gamble wrong. Burny, etc.
$winnersWithAmount List of users who did gamble correct with reward amount. Brain (12000)
$losersWithAmount List of users who did gamble wrong with lost amount. Burny (3000), etc.