Here you can see all the available commands in Chatbot (directly from the Documentation). To see an example and responses from each command click on it to see them per slider.


(Permissions: Add and View)

!Quote Add (Text)

Example: !quote add “I am a cat!”
Response: {user} –> Successfully added Quote #0: “I am a cat!” – AnkhHeart [Thief] [01/01/2018]


Example: !quote
Response: Quote #2: “Duct tape solves all problems!” – AnkhHeart

!Quote (Id)

Example: !quote 0
Response: Quote #0: “I am not a cat!” – AnkhHeart


(Permissions: Editor)

!Quote Edit (Id) (Message)

Example: !quote edit 0 “I am not a cat!” – AnkhHeart [Thief] [02/01/2018]
Response: {user} –> Successfully edited Quote #0: “I am not a cat!” – AnkhHeart [Thief] [02/01/2018]

!Quote Remove (Id)

Example: !quote remove 0
Response: {user} –> Successfully deleted Quote #0


(Permissions: Join)

!Heist (Amount)

Example: !heist 123
Response: {user} is trying to get a team together in order to hit the nearest bank. -Everyone can Join!- In order to join type !Heist <amount>.

!Challenge (Username)

Example: !challenge ankhheart
Response: {user} has challenged {target} to a fight! Type !challenge {user} to accept the challenge!


Example: !ffa
Response: The arena is now open! Type !ffa to join!


Example: !boss
Response: {user} is trying to get a group of adventurers together to fight a boss! Type !boss to join him!


(Permissions: Request, Skip and Veto)

!Sr / !SongRequest (Url/Token/Keywords)

Example: !songrequest TY9cSlOhqTk
Response: {user} –> The song Amv – [MEP] Ѕο Lοng Ѕеntimеnt 720p has been added to the queue


Example: !skip
Response: {user} –> Your vote to skip has been successfully registered!


Example: !veto
Response:Amv – [MEP] So Long Sentiment 720p has been successfully skipped!


(Permissions: Editor)

!SongBlacklist Add (Id)

Example: !songblacklist add dQw4w9WgXcQ
Response: {user} –> dQw4w9WgXcQ has been successfully Blacklisted!

!SongBlacklist Remove (Id)

Example: !songblacklist remove DQw4w9WgXcQ
Response: {user} –> dQw4w9WgXcQ has been successfully Un-Blacklisted!

!Volume (Number)

Example: !volume 50
Response: {user}, Volume set to 50

Betting, Counter, Points, Queue & SR

(Permissions: Everyone)

!Bet (Id) (Amount)

Example: !bet 0 1000
Response: [None to prevent chat spam from the bot]


Example: !death
Response: Deaths: 10


Example: !points
Response: AnkhHeart [Ninja Kitty] – Hours: 13 – Points: 1337

!Join (Note)

Example: !join AnkhHeart#4798
Response: [None unless enabled under Settings -> Localization]


Example: !WrongSong
Response: {user}, successfully removed the last song you requested.


(Permissions: Editor)

!Betting Start BettingOn | PayoutPercent | Min | Max | MultiBetting |Options

Example: !Betting Start Will Ankh Survive? | 35 | 1 | 100 | true | Yes | No | Maybe
Description: This starts a custom betting session with custom settings

!Betting Start BettingOn | Options

Example: !Betting Start Will Ankh survive? | Yes | No | Maybe
Description: This starts a custom betting session that will use the settings that have been set in the UI.

!Betting Stop

Example: !betting stop
Description: Prevents anyone from betting once used

!Betting Abort

Example: !betting abort
Description: Cancels betting entirely and refunds anyone that has bet

!Betting Winner (Id)

Example: !betting winner 0
Description: Picks the winning option and pay out points to everyone that bet on it


(Permissions: Moderator)

!Death +

Example: !death +
Response: [Increased] deaths: 124

!Death -

Example: !death –
Response: [Decreated] Deaths: 123

!Death (Amount)

Example: !death 10
Response: [Set] Deaths: 10


(Permissions: Editor)

!Queue Open (Game)

Example: !queue open warframe
Response: A queue has opened up for: Warframe – Cost: 0 points – Type !join <optional: note> to join!

!Queue Close

Example: !queue close
Response: The queue has been closed! You can no longer enter!

!Queue Clear

Example: !queue clear
Response: The Queue has been cleared!


(Permissions: Editor)

!Enable (Command) (True/False)

Example: !enable !cookie true
Response: {user} –> Successfully enabled !Cookie

!Command Add (Command) (PermissionLevel) (Response)

Example: !Command Add !Cookie +r All your cookies belong to me!
Response: {user} –> Successfully added !Cookie. Permission: Regular – Message: All your cookies belong to me!

!Command Edit (Command) (PermissionLevel) and/or (Response)

Example: !Command Edit !Cookie +a /me ate $count cookies!
Response: {user} –> Successfully edited !Cookie. Permission: Everyone. Message: /me ate $count cookies!

!Command Remove (Command)

Example: !command remove !cookie
Response: {user} –> Successfully removed !Cookie.

!Command Count (Command) (Number)

Example: !command count !cookie 10
Response: {user} –> Successfully set the count for !cookie to 10.

!Command Usage (Command) (TC,TW,TB,DC,DW,DB,CB,WB,A)

Example: !command usage !cookie TC
Response: {user} –> Successfully set the usage of $command to $value.

!Command Cooldown (Command) (Minutes)

Example: !command cooldown !cookie 2
Response: {user} –> Successfully set the cooldown of !cookie to 2.

!Command UserCooldown (Command) (Minutes)

Example: !command usercooldown !cookie 5
Response: {user} –> Successfully set the user cooldown of !cookie to 5.


(Permissions: Editor)

!Status (Message)

Example: !Status [24h] Charity Stream!
Response: {user} –> Title has been updated: [24h] Charity Stream!

!Game (Game title)

Example: !Game The Last of Us
Response: {user} –> Game has been updated: The Last of Us!


Example: !starthost
Response: {user} –> Started Automated Hosting!


Example: !stophost
Response: {user} –> Stopped Automated Hosting!


(Permissions: Editor)

!GiveAway Start Command | Prize | MaxEntriesPerUser | EntryCost | Permission

Example: !giveaway start !raffle | cookies | 1 | 25 | regular
Description: This starts a giveaway through chat with your own settings

!GiveAway Start Command | Prize | Permission

Example: !giveaway start !raffle | cookies | everyone
Description: This starts a very simple giveaway without tickets and entry cost

!GiveAway Close

Example: !giveaway close
Description: Prevents anyone from entering past this point

!GiveAway Winner

Example: !giveaway winner
Description: Randomly picks the winner for the giveaway


(Permissions: Editor)

!Points Add (Username) (Amount)

Example: !points add ankhheart 1000
Response: {user} –> Successfully given AnkhHeart 1000 Points

!Points Remove (Username) (Amount)

Example: !points remove ankhheart 1000
Response: {user} –> Successfully removed 1000 Points from AnkhHeart

!Points Add +Viewers/+Active (Amount)

Example: !points add +viewers 100
Response: {user} –> Done giving 100 Points to everyone in chat

!Points Remove +Viewers/+Active (Amount)

Example: !points remove +viewers 50
Response: {user} –> Done removing 50 Points from everyone in chat

!Transfer (From) (To) (Amount)

Example: !transfer ankhheart mohammedbaraax 1
Response: {user} –> Successfully transferred currency from AnkhHeart to MohammedBaraax


(Permissions: Editor)

!Poll Start VotingOn | Cost | MaxVotes | MultiVoting | Options

Example: !poll start What Game should I play next? | 10 | 1 | false | Witcher 3 | Pokemon
Description: This starts a custom poll with your own settings (overwrites UI settings)

!Poll Start VotingOn | Options

Example: !poll start What Game should I play next? | Witcher 3 | Pokemon
Description: This starts a custom poll that will use the settings that have been set in the UI

!Poll Stop

Example: !poll stop
Description: Ends the poll and posts the result in chat


(Permissions: Editor)

!Reg Add/Remove (Username)

Example: !reg add ankhheart / !reg remove ankhheart
Response: AnkhHeart has become a Regular! / AnkhHeart is no longer a Regular.

!Sub Add/Remove (Username)

Example: !sub add ankhheart / !sub remove ankhheart
Response: AnkhHeart has become a Subscriber! / AnkhHeart is no longer a Subscriber.

!Blacklist Add/Remove (Username)

Example: !blacklist add ankhheart / !blacklist remove ankhheart
Response: AnkhHeart has been Blacklisted! / AnkhHeart has been removed from the Blacklist.


(Permissions: Editor)

!Timer Add (Name) (Response)

Example: !timer add !meow /me meows at $randuser
Response: {user} –> Successfully added !meow. Permission: Everyone – Message: /me meows at $randuser

!Timer Edit (Name) (Response)

Example: !timer edit !meow /me growls at $randuser
Response: {user} –> Successfully edit !meow. Message: /me growls at $randuser

!Timer Remove (Name)

Example: !timer remove !meow
Response: {user} –> Successfully removed !meow.

!Activate (Name) (True/False)

Example: !activate !meow false
Response: {user} –> Successfully de-activated !meow