Starcraft II Betting System
A lot of bots have the option to do bettings in chat but nobody really uses that feature since it’s quite a hassle to always set them up manually and for StarCraft II even more so. It’s a great idea to do that for every game but .. let’s be honest: It’s a pain in the ass to do and hence nobody does it.
However! What would happen if that process of creating a bet, letting people do the betting, closes it and actually select winners was automated?
That’s where our betting system comes into play since that’s exactly what it does! This means you only need to set it up once and decide if you want to enable it this stream or not. Easy, right?
You: “Well, yea… but that’s a chat-only thing again, right?”
Mh… well, have a look at these screenshots in the Usage Example section below!
It’s not! We also offer overlays which you can use for your stream and decide on some customizations such as the labels, betting commands for the viewers and animation you want and if the overlay should hide again after the time is up where people can bet so it only fades in again to announce the winner of the match.
Big update for version 1.2.0:
Voting: If you don’t like to use a currency for your stream then don’t do it. Switch the betting system to a voting system and let them vote without any currency at all. The overlay will be displayed with percentages then instead of total amount of points then.
You like the voting system more but also want to use your currency? We got you covered: Set an amount of points every vote will cost and viewers can vote with just the commands.
Overlays/Themes: We created a theme system for Chatbot and our script so you can go ahead and create your own betting overlay with just a bit of HTML, CSS and JS knowledge. Afterwards just select the theme you’d like to use within the script and change them up on the fly.