Script for Streamlabs Chatbot

Working with SC2Unmasked

I’m glad to be able to announce that Ophidian – the creator of the website – is working together with us from now on.

This means in generall two things for the StarCraft II scripts:

  • More accurate informations
  • More informations about players in general

We made the first step with the new versions of the StarCraft II scripts this weekend where following features were included:

  • SCII MatchInfo: Real-time Unbarcoding
  • SCII MatchInfo: Opponent Streamer Shoutout

The real-time unbarcoding will replace the barcode of a player with the actual name in the Title or in the textfile.
Important note: This is the first experimental version and we don’t know how accurate it will be in the beginning but we don’t expect many mismatches.

We’re also checking now if the opponent is a streamer and currently live. If that’s the case you can customize a message and automatically let the chatbot post a message in your chat with the link to his twitch channel.

I personally think that Ophidian is a great partner for this kind of project and hopefully it will make all more easy, more accurate and even more features in the future!